
Hot chocolate that helps your healing & recovery

As the days and nights get colder it's tempting to reach for warm foods that give your comfort but may not be nutritionally beneficial.  Nutrition is an integral part of recovery from injury and pain as well as supporting a healthy happy lifestyle.  

You really want your food intake to be doing the following:

1.   Reducing inflammation in your gut and in your body overall.  Inflammation stresses your immune system which means healing and recovery are compromised.  You want to promote healing and recovery by reducing inflammation.

2.  Nourishing your body with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for healing and recovery and for all the vital processes for a healthy, happy functioning body.

3.  Fuelling your adventures or your rehabilitation is that's where you are currently at!  Whatever your life is filled with you want your food intake to support you so you have the energy to enjoy it.

A quick and easy way to fulfil all these criteria and even take with you on your adventures is with this incredible rich hot chocolate drink.  It's loaded with anti-inflammatory foods such as coconut cream and super antioxidant rich cocoa powder containing maca and cacao as well as plenty of vitamin E from the fresh almond milk.  I drink it as a bedtime warmer when I make my hot water bottle at night.


Rich Hot Chococo


* 1 cup fresh pressed almond milk

* tablespoon coconut cream 

* 1-2 tablespoons Of The Earth Superfoods Hot Chocolate powder

* Stevia to taste 


Place the almond milk in a saucepan on the stove and heat gently so as not to burn it.  Place the almond milk and all the ingredients in a blender and whizz up.  Drink with joy and let the nutrients heal you!  

Why are you tired all the time?

Why are you tired all the time?

Precision Movement presents Samantha George from H Personal Coaching to explain what Adrenal Fatigue is and how it adversely affects healing and recovery.

ManMade - A Case Study on the making of a man

ManMade - A Case Study on the making of a man

Precision Movement's KT shares her latest case study of Andrea Domeninchini the creator of ManMade and Voices in the Dark.  Dre was suffering with chronic pain that just would not go away.  Find out what happened when he worked with KT.  Dre has made a video series about his journey called ManMade.

How to get good at your injury rehabilitation exercises

How to get good at your injury rehabilitation exercises

Precision Movement's KT explains how to get good at your injury rehabilitation exercises so you can become injury and pain free, design your life and boo your next adventure! 

My secret antioxidant loaded winter warmer drink!


I have a secret to tell you... I've been drinking this super amazing antioxidant loaded drink every morning this year.  And it makes me feel super virtuous! So I thought I'd finally share it so you can be virtuous too.  Also it's more of a winter warmer than a spring/summer refresher so it's more apt for October. 


KT's super antioxidant Winter Warmer drink 

juice of 1/2 a lemon 

juice of half a lime  

1/4 teaspoon of Clear Spring matcha green tea powder  

A slither of fresh ginger grated  

2 teaspoons of baobab powder  

manuka honey to taste  

Boil the kettle and place all the ingredients except the honey in a mug. Fill the mug with hot water and stir until all the ingredients are blended nicely. Add making honey to taste.  You're good to go!  I take mine in a KeepCup so I can enjoy on my morning commute :) 

An audio postural meditation for you



I'm always trying to think of ways to recreate the sessions you do in the studio for your to travel with or do at home.  As you know, consistency is the key to getting better faster.  


I have considered doing video clips of exercises but I'd rather not have your attention on a screen when it should be on your body and how exercise feels. So, I've come up with something I think is much much better! I'm going to trial audio recorded training sessions.  



1.  It's the closest recreation of doing a session in the studio with me but without me. 

2. You'll hear my motivating little voice saying all those helpful little analogies and KTisms that get you in the right alignment doing the right movement. 

3. You can take your focus into your body and use a mirror for feedback instead of looking at a screen. 

4. You can put on your headphones anytime, anywhere and inconspicuously do your programme. You'll look like a total pro in the gym! ;)

5.  You'll be more motivated to do that third and final set instead of just doing the bare minimum two.  You know it's the last set that really counts!


First come first served... for the freebies!

I'll be trailing the bespoke recorded training session for free for the first three people to email me.  I think one has already gone now so there are only two free ones left.  Just inbox me at and I'll record your latest home programme for you to download and listen to whenever, wherever.  

Going forwards, bespoke recorded sessions will be charged - fee upon request! 


Freebie for all

As as a preview, and due to popular demand, I've recorded a demo above. It's a 10 minute guided postural meditation that you can listen to on your commute to work or on a 10 minute break during your day. You can do it sitting or standing.  Let me know what you think! 

For those of you not working with me at the moment, if you don't understand what the analogies in the recording mean please do feel free to book a postural session with me so I can teach you.  Once you know what all the references are the recording will make much more sense!

If you would like me to send this recording to you directly so you can download it to your phone please ask me in your next session or email me at


Precision movement philosophy phrases to live by


After last weeks blog about checking in with your goals for the last quarter of the year, I thought I'd follow that with some motivational inspiration. Sometimes we get so bogged down with the day to day stuff we forget the big picture reasons for living and enjoying life. So here are the Precision Movement phrases to live by... Everybody say Om! 


1. You are what you absorb 

Sadly just eating the right foods is now not enough if you are not absorbing their goodness! How do you know if you are absorbing the nutrition you eat? Well you should feel good for eating highly nutritious food but most of us don't know what good feels like if we have only what we feel like now to compare it to. So my recommendation would be to get your gut tested and see how functional it is. See our partners page for contact information on Karen Maidment and Hannah Richards who can help with this. 


2. Movement is the foundation of life 

From the movement of blood and transport of nutrients and removal of toxins to getting around town movement is absolutely essential for life. It's also really important to move well, efficiently and effectively to minimise injury and discomfort. I believe movement is as important as breathing, eating and sleeping.  Stagnation leads to injury, depression and indifference.  So move more and move well - if you need some help with this you know where I am. 


3. Your body is a thoroughbred 

We can take our body for granted. We don't think about what it does every day to enable us to live, to see, to hear, to communicate, to move, to breathe, to digest food. Our body is a gift, it is our house and we should take care of it like it's a thoroughbred race horse or a top of the line sports car. You wouldn't put sludge in a sports car so don't put rubbish in your body. You want to nurture your body, feed and water it well, give it sunlight and fresh air, move it regularly and give it a bit of challenge every day to make sure it can withstand the toughness of life. 


4. Study your user manual 

Too many people assume they know how to move well. Here's what happens - we are born, we teach ourselves to move (amazing!), we continue to learn good movement and sports in childhood and hopefully our teen years. Then we go to university and we either continue (super amazing!) or we stop moving. Then we go to work and it's basically all over. I'm generalising here but you get the idea. When we enter the work place we teach our bodies to adapt to the sitting work environment which can give us all kinds of issues. The greatest gift you can give yourself is re-learning good movement either through a sport like martial arts or dance or working with a movement specialist to support you and get you back to your sports. 


5. If you don't use it you lose it

I am a personal testament to this! If I don't exercise regularly I start to lose my strength, my stability my tone and my shape. Many of the people I work with begin to lose their postural endurance and flexibility.  You've got to make an ongoing commitment to yourself to maintain your body. You'll live a longer happier life if your body is agile, functional and well taken care of. It really comes down to loving yourself enough to take care of yourself. 


6. Get in your discomfort zone

Comfort doesn't lead to growth or change. I purposefully placed myself in some very uncomfortable situations this summer to remind myself what it's like for my clients to change movement patterns and posture - it can be frustrating and uncomfortable both physically, mentally and emotionally. So I do know what it's like to start something completely new - I highly recommend it regularly. The joy comes when you master something that you've been struggling with - that's growth, that's change, that's a life worth living and an example worth setting to your children, friends and family around you. 


7. Movement is a constant teacher 

I'm finding more and more as I work with clients watching them learn and connect with their bodies that movement serves as a fantastic teacher. No matter how long you have been training you can always learn some new movement or reconnect with how movement feels in your body. To me, mastering movement is not about just exercising it is about really understanding how your body works and serves you. I highly advocate using movement and sports for challenge and personal growth. I am still humbled by movement - it's always been my greatest teacher. 


8. Mind over matter 

Firstly the brain is the control centre of movement. We don't move unless the brain is motivated towards something. Many things are involved in the motivation of movement. One of the important factors is how you feel about/towards that intention. If you dislike what you are doing your brain gives a different output in contrast to if you do like what you are doing. So, when moving, even if the movement or exercise is something you don't particularly like, train your mind to find the benefit in it and feed that information through the brain and attach it to the exercise. The brain/mind/body will avoid things it doesn't like - so override the dislike factor - reframe it. The saying mind over matter is never more true than it is here! 


9. Be present 

When anyone comes to work with me in the studio yes there are reps and sets and alignment and gains and goals etc. But what I really think they gain is the experience of being present in their body. It might sound a little kooky but going to the studio or the gym and just going through the motions, the reps, the sets, thinking about work or what you'll do afterwards is really not as beneficial as being present with your body for your workout. Movement is an enriching educational experience. It's an outlet, a form of expression, a release of energy or a way of conjuring up energy. But all this good stuff only happens when we are present in our movement. It's like anything really - when you are present you are alive and the experience is banked. When you are somewhere else you're just wasting what you're doing in the present. 


So there you have it - 9 magical philosophical paragraphs to live by.   Now go forth and conquer... :D 

Do you want to know what KT is really like?

Let's face it, I'm hard to sum up in a tidy little phrase - though many have tried!  So I asked my lovely clients, the recipients of my knowledge and expertise to describe their experiences of working with me. My fabulous web/video/media guys at SquareGlu sprinkled magic dust over it to produce this little movie... 


Thanks to to my lovely clients for taking part - I did tell you I'd get you your five minutes of fame! And thanks to SquareGlu for making such a professional end product.  


Popcorn at the ready.... ;) 


5 common desk bound injuries and how to avoid them

ipad user slouching

ipad user slouching

The office environment does not lend itself to an optimal pain free and posturally aligned existence.  Our postural alignment is often the last thing we think about until we begin to experience pain.  Here are the 5 most common aches and injuries from a desk bound environment and how to avoid them.

RSI - Repetitive Strain Injuries 

This is an umbrella term given to a collection of upper limb injuries including thoracic outlet syndrome, double crush syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, golfers elbow, tennis elbow.....  These injuries mostly start in the neck and shoulder area and commonly come from postural misalignment.

How to avoid it 

Try to avoid typing for long periods of time - take a break for a few minutes every half hour or so.  If you have a smart phone with voice activation then use it to give your hands, fingers and wrists a break.  Take time off your phone and tablet by reading a newspaper or a book or listening to music.   

Low back pain

This is probably the most common complaint of all desk bound workers.  Back pain can occur for many different reasons and your office environment can contribute and exacerbate it.  The most common cause of back pain is slouching in your chair and then sustaining postures for long periods that encourage certain structures to be stressed more than others.

How it avoid it

Sitting for long periods is not great for your back.  Make sure you move frequently throughout the day.  Get out of the office for lunch, walk to the water cooler, take a few flights of stairs up or down between floors, get out a tube station early and walk the remaining distance to your office.  If you can exercise before or after work or even during your lunch break.  Without fail get your workspace assessed by an ergonomics specialist - insist on one from your company.  

Upper mid back pain 

Another common compliant especially from writers, architects, artists and anyone who hunches over their desk.  Mid thoracic aches and pains often come from an imbalance between the muscles in the front of the shoulder and chest area being too tight and the upper back muscles being too weak.  A common occurrence is a strained feeling which comes from the back muscles being stretched but at the same time contracting to stop you from collapsing over your desk.  It is call tautness - the muscles are weak and tight at the same time from being over worked.  

How to avoid it

Work on your upper back alignment - do not hunch over your desk.  If you are writing and reading or drawing a lot then invest in an architects desk that you can tilt to an appropriate angle for your work.  Invest in a few sessions with someone who can teach you upper back exercises and stretches for postural alignment that you can do daily to strengthen your upper back.

Neck pain 

Neck pain is exceptionally common especially these days with the use of smart phones and tablets that we look down to use.  Even at your desk you are inclined to crane your head forwards towards the computer screen in front of you.  This puts incredible strain on the neck and can cause injuries such as a cervical disc prolapse.   

How to avoid it

Mobilise your neck throughout the day with head rolls and shoulder rolls.  If you have a chair with a head support consciously press your head back into the support whilst you work.  Make sure your chair alignment is assessed by an ergonomics specialist.  This will help correct the alignment of your head and neck as you work.  Do not place the phone between your ear and your head - use your loud speaker or invest in a head set.  Use a stand for your tablet if you are working at your desk to avoid hunching over it.  

Shoulder pain 

Shoulder pain can come from excessive use of smart phones and even typing on your keyboard.  Mostly pain will come from misalignment and if often associated with neck and mid thoracic issues.  Shoulders are vulnerable joints so seek out help with postural alignment.

How to avoid it 

Mobilise your neck throughout the day with head rolls and shoulder rolls.  Make sure your workspace is optimally aligned for your arms and shoulders.  Take a rest from your smart phone - some phones now have voice activation so you can give your hands and arms a rest from the constant furious typing.  Find a corrective exercise specialist or a rehab specialist to help you with your shoulder alignment.

General advice 

If your pain does not resolve itself within 7-10 days and if it gets continually worse then seek treatment from a physiotherapist or osteopath.  Early treatment often results in a quick recovery.  It is tempting to ignore aches and pains until they become unbearable - the longer you leave something the longer it will take to recover.  If you would like more information on how to resolve a desk bound injury please email me at


How to avoid the 5 common causes of back pain

old lady stretching

old lady stretching

One of the number one questions I get asked is how to I avoid back pain?   Nearly all of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives.  But how wonderful would it be to minimise the risk of getting back pain?  Read on to find out how.....

1.  Stress

We all know too much negative stress is bad for us and some of you may know that it affects us physically.  Stress is part of our lives and it helps us achieve success and conjure bravery when we need to step up to the plate.  You have a stress threshold - a line that once crossed begins to compromise your immune system.  It slows your recovery and healing rate so normal repairs that should occur result in tissues getting left and more damaged.  This can be as small as an ulcer or a big as your back pain.  The best source of information I can give to you is about your perception of stress and I cannot say it better than Health Psychologist Kelly McGonigal in her recent TED talk.  It's 8 minutes and a revelation you will not want to miss out on. 

2.  Lack of movement

You are designed to move.  Sustained poor posture is a major cause of back pain and structural damage.  Make sure you move throughout the day.  If you are desk bound, walk around the office, take the stairs for a few flights, leave for a lunch break.  In the recent article "The making of a corporate athlete" by performance psychologists Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz that was published in the Harvard Business Review it is recommended that every person does at least 2 strength training workouts a week for endurance and to promote mental and emotional recovery.  

3.  Poor posture

Sit, stand and walk tall.  If you are exercising, exercise tall.  Another major contributor to back pain is poor posture.  If you already have back pain then poor posture will make it worse!  You may be blissfully unaware that your posture is bad but if you are currently pain free it is well worth investing the time and effort to work on your posture to minimise the risk of injuries occurring.  In this day and age, with the mountain of information and specialists to help you there is no excuse for poor posture.  Seek help.

4.  Repetitive faulty movement patterns

This is an extension of poor posture but relates more to exercising with poor form.  I have seen so many clients walk through my door who hit the gym 5 days a week but when I assess their movement patterns it is clear they do not have good technique and their movement patterns are contributing to their pain.  If you are working out in the gym and have not had any guidance at all in the past 6 months then ask a professional to look over your technique.  

5.  Poor nutritional intake

Your nutrients for every day micro damage to your body come from food.  Food provides you with the building blocks for repair, to create new cells, to strengthen your muscles, to strengthen your bones and connective tissue.  It is imperative that you take care of your nutrition and nourish your body it is as much a part of minimising the risk of injury as movement is.  

For more information on exercise for the prevention of injury and for back pain and injury recovery please email me at

Looking inside the body for the cause of your pain



Scans help identify whether structural damage is causing or exacerbating pain.  Personally I think knowing is better than not knowing so I would always go for a scan.  But what scan is best for you?  And what are the pros and cons to scans?  Read on to find out more....

What scans do

A scan can show nothing even though you may be experiencing excruciating pain but it can rule out structural damage so you can begin looking at other factors.  If a scan does show evidence of what is causing your pain this can provide a sense of relief.  It also helps the specialists, therapists and rehab practitioners tailor your recovery plan more effectively.  The important thing to remember is that whatever the scan shows, it is just information.  It is the decisions and actions you take from learning this information that will form your recovery plan.   The most common scans used for back pain are x-rays and MRIs. 


An x-ray can tell you if there is anything wrong with your bones.  An x-ray will show up breaks, fractures, bony change like arthritis or bone growths called spurs.  What is can be really useful for in terms of potential causes of back pain is showing loss of disc height.  Structural damage to discs and also ageing can cause the discs to reduce in height.  This results in your vertebrae (bones that make up the spine) sitting closer together.  If the cause of reduced disc height is not known it may be better to opt for an MRI to gain a more comprehensive picture of what is going on.  

Pros:  cost effective, reduced wait time for scan if any

Cons:  restricted information, small dose of radiation

MRI scans 

An MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging) can show you bones, muscles, connective tissue, nerves, discs, arteries and all other structures in the body.  It takes a series of images at very small slice increments and then puts it all together to create a complete picture.  Often with an MRI scan you get several slices to view which enables consultants to 'look through' structures beyond the surface.  It gives you a comprehensive view of everything in the area of pain.

Pros:  more accurate diagnostic tool 

Cons:  Expensive, often wait list on the NHS but  can go private, closed MRI scanners can be claustrophobic to some so ask for an open top one if available.

Getting an MRI quickly

There is often a wait list for an MRI scan on the NHS.  You can get a scan quickly through private medical insurance but if this is not an option there is an alternative solution.  Vista Diagnostics offer MRI scans from £200 with short notice appointments available.  You could potentially get a scan within a day and results within 2 days of your scan.  For more information visit  This option could eliminate much anxiety and frustration which can make your condition worse.  It could also mean starting treatment earlier so you can get better faster.  


Whatever can you have make sure you understand the results.  The radiologist who interprets the results of your scan will send you and your specialist a letter explaining what has been found.  Once you know if there is any structural damage you can make a more informed decision about how to proceed with treatment.  If nothing is found that is totally ok - there are many people who suffer with back pain who do not have any structural damage.  Often pain is caused by poor posture, your lifestyle habits, your nutrition choices.  Discuss treatment options with your specialist and ask about manual therapy and corrective exercise as well as alternative forms of pain relief like acupuncture.  

Key points 

The key points to take from this are firstly MRI scans are the more comprehensive scan option and secondly, whatever the scan shows it is just information that will help you make a better decision about your recovery plan.  If you have structural damage like a disc prolapse or stenosis it's ok - you are not going to die!  Many many people have structural damage.  The most important thing is to put a multi-disciplinary recovery and management plan in place.  For more information on back pain and injury recovery and rehabilitation please contact me at

Featured Expert: Helen Skehan RSI physiotherapist

manual therapy

manual therapy

Helen Skehan specialises in the treatment of RSI (repetitive strain injuries).  She is the owner of

Physio Solutions

clinic in Islington, a clinic that she built herself over 16 years, houses 9 therapists and also offers massage and ergonomic assessments in the work place.  

KT:  Helen, what is RSI?

HS:  RSI stands for repetitive strain injury.  It is a term given to work related non-specific upper limb injuries and does not always mean the injury has come from repetition or is a strain.  Patients present with a number of symptoms that may not always be the same from person to person.  

KT:  What symptoms are common with RSI?

HS:  I test for many things - often clients present with varied pain in the neck, shoulder and arm, tingling ,numbness, temperature changes, swelling.  I look for specific tightness, muscular imbalance and postural misalignment.  I may also send clients to be tested by a rheumatologist to eliminate other underlying conditions.

KT:  How does RSI develop?

There are many different ways RSI can develop.  It is often a combination of a poor workstation, poor posture, lack of exercise (although not always sometimes I see patients who are real gym bunnies),not taking enough breaks at work, high stress, lots of typing and ignoring initial symptoms.  

KT:  How does stress play a part in the development of RSI? 

I would say stress exacerbates symptoms.  Mechanically, stressed induces increased muscle tension in the neck and shoulders where the nerves exit the spine and pass through the shoulder joint down the arm.    Also, breathing rate increases and during stressful times we tend to adopt a upper chest lead breathing pattern which utilises the accessory respiratory muscles surrounding the neck and shoulders.  The nerves are supposed to glide through neighbouring structures but if the muscles are contracted it can squeeze the nerves causing pain, numbness and tingling.

KT:  What is your opinion on exercise for RSI?  Does it create more strain or can it help?

HS:  I always try to get my patients to engage in some form of stretching, mobilization and exercises.  There is always a role for graded exercise in the recovery of RSI.  It is important to go by a tolerance factor - the patient should not work into areas of pain.  

KT:  What affect does posture have on the development of RSI?

HS:  Sustained postures for long periods in poor alignment are definitely not healthy and can contribute to RSI.   Typically patients that have RSI injuries have a rounded upper back, a forward head carriage and their shoulders are rotated inwards.  It is very common to find neck an shoulder stiffness as well as a lack of mobility in the upper back.  Some patients can suffer from headaches.  Even more distally you find that patients often have hamstring and calf tightness. 

KT:  What impact does modern technology like smart phones and portable laptops and tablets have on the recovery of RSI?

HS:  All these devices encourage a poor posture as you tend to look down at the device you are using.  People tend to overuse their smart phones which stresses the fingers, wrists, hands and forearms.  With tablets and laptops they can be heavy to carry around and we tend to look down when we use them which strains the upper back and neck.  

KT:  What advice can you give to people using smart phones and tablets for work?

HS:  Modern technology is improving all the time.  For smart phones you can use the voice activation system to cut down on your typing time.  Try to avoid using your phone and tablet when you travel on the tube and bus to give your hands and arms a rest.  At work place a tablet on a stand or a removable keyboard.  For laptops and desktop computers invest in an ergonomic mouse or a roller mouse that sits at the front of your keyboard. 

KT:  What are the early symptoms of RSI?

Any hand symptoms that are related to desk work including pain, muscle cramps, tingling, numbness, swelling or feeling of swelling and restricted movement.  Also be aware of any of these symptoms in the shoulder and neck area even repeated small episodes.  We should be able to function without pain.  I would recommend diarising your symptoms and check over a period of time whether the symptoms remain or get worse.  If in 10-14 days the symptoms are still there then seek treatment.  

KT:  What other advice would you give to those suffering with RSI?

HS:  For those with mild symptoms I would advise regular movement that is based on improving postural alignment and mobilising the upper back.  Backstroke can be helpful and calming to some.  Avoid cycling as the posture can encourage symptoms to get worse.  RSI is an injury that develops over time and through the continual use of bad habits.  The most important thing is educating yourself on how to minimise the risk of injury and taking responsibility for your health and wellness at work.  

For more information please visit the website at

 or to make a booking with Helen please contact her clinic, Physio Solutions, on

0207 713 7780

.  For more information on how exercise can help you recover from RSI injury please contact me at


What exercises can I do for back pain?



I love this question!  It is something I get asked when I am out socially and people discover I work with back pain and injuries.  The truth is no one set of exercises fits all back pain problems.  In fact, every person I see in my practice is so completely different it never ceases to amaze me.  For instance someone with a disc prolapse may really benefit from a back extension mobilization and stretch.  If I give the same stretch to someone with stenosis (bone spurs) it will push on the already smaller spaces where the nerves exit the spine and aggravate their condition.  It gets more complex when I have someone who has both of these conditions or multiple spine issues.  Believe me there is no one size fits all.  Here are some golden rules about exercise that apply to most all back pain sufferers.....

1.  MOVE!!!

If there is one thing you take away from this article please make it the importance of movement.  Every day moving around trumps sitting or lying still every time.  The key to movement for relief of pain, especially when it is very sore, is to do it gently.  If you are desk bound at work get up and walk around, take the stairs for a few floors, get out for lunch, walk to the water cooler.   Walking can often provide a sense of relief (however if it makes it worse and sitting relieves it then take a rest periodically).  Things to avoid are heavy lifting and too much bending over to pick things up off the floor.  

2.  Specific back mobilizations

I recommend my clients do gentle back specific mobilizations upon waking daily to ease the back into the day.  If you suffer from stiffness upon waking these mobilizations can be very effective at reducing your pain in less time.  Ideally you should have someone show you how to do mobilizations that are specific to your back problem.  However, you can download your copy of the

Precision Movement Daily Mobilizations

that I give my clients


. Be sure to read the instructions carefully - small and gentle is key!  

3.  Corrective exercise for postural alignment and stability

Here lies the key to getting your back pain sorted.  Corrective exercise focusses on your alignment, stability and core activation and moves your through stages of development from small isolating exercises right up to functional often loaded movement.  This is where you can get mobilizations, stretches and exercise tailored to your specific condition.  At Precision Movement I always give programmes for the relief of pain when your back is sore, daily home programmes, a set of stretches to do at your desk, and a programme for the gym as required.   

4.  The Gym

If you are suffering from intense back pain avoid lifting heavy weights.  Weights create axial (vertical downward) loading on your spine and if you are already in discomfort the worst thing you can do is increase the pressure on areas of discomfort.  You could seriously hurt yourself.  Do not use machines as a substitute either.  Machines isolate and stress your big muscles without using the stabilizers around the joints.  If your back is sore the last thing you want to do is make it more unstable or have the larger muscles pulling on it.  It would be better to do some gentle yoga or pilates work being mindful of your postural alignment and core activation until your back settles.  If you are a regular gym user make sure you have a professional with rehabilitation experience look over what you are doing.

5.  Running, biking, rowing and cross trainer cardio machines 

If you would like to do some cardio work the key to not aggravating your back is to change it up.  Sustained positions can be aggravating for the back.  When your back is sore avoid jumping and running as a greater amount of load is placed through the spine and this can be jarring to the back.  Cycling and cross trainer are gentler options for cardio and can be alternated.  For the bike make sure you are sitting properly and have a professional check your position before you begin.  I would avoid rowing when your back is bad especially if you have any disc prolapses and proceed with caution under supervision.  

For more information about how corrective exercise can help your specific back pain or injury contact KT at

.  Download my eBook '7 steps to getting your back pain sorted' - the link is on the right hand side (just scroll up a bit!).  

The core killer that negates a killer core

teddy in casts

teddy in casts

I recently saw a man working out at my Mayfair studio who was wearing a back brace.  I asked him what it was for and he proceeded to tell me that he had terrible back pain and was advised to exercise with a sturdy back support.  If there is one thing that I find contradictory, it's wearing a brace that stops movement so that you can exercise/move in the gym.    If you want to make your back pain worse then wearing a back brace or support is the quickest way to do it and here's why....

Casting is for breaks

Have you ever broken any bones?  Last year I worked with a lady who broke her ankle.  She was in a cast for 6 weeks and a boot for another 6 weeks.  When she started her rehabilitation with me the difference in the musculature from left to right was incredible.  It looked like she had two separate legs!  You see the body is mighty clever.  If you are not using muscles they atrophy (shrink).  A similar phenomenon happens to astronauts when they go into space for long periods.  Because there is no gravity their bones become less dense.  The good news is that when there is an increased need for muscle the body responds and adapts to the stresses it is put under.  

This is why I am so adamantly against back braces for back pain.  If you have back pain from disc prolapses, spinal stenosis, disc degeneration, or non-specific back pain back braces are really not going to help you in the long term.  I am not saying do not wear one but I would like to educate you on what they do to the body so you can make a more informed decision about wearing one.

The off button

Effectively, just like a cast, a back brace will cause muscles to switch off.  One of the first things you learn when you start corrective exercise is how to activate the core.  Core activation is absolutely essential to the support of the spine and surrounding structures.  Switching off these muscles is just asking for trouble.  You cannot rely on a brace to give you the support you need - that is the job of your muscles and connective tissues!  If you stop conditioning the muscles under controlled conditions with gradual development you will leave your back even further unsupported and at risk of further injury.

Restricted movement

The point of exercising is to move.  Wearing a brace can result in muscles getting tighter as they are not able to move through a full range.  This will create further imbalance as certain muscles will become tighter and others will overwork to compensate further pulling you out of alignment and causing more stress on your back.  

Faulty messaging

If you are wearing something that restricts movement and causes muscles to switch off you will effectively change messages to your brain and alter movement patterns.  The brain responds to the movement patterns you put it through and with repetition it creates a blueprint that is stored for future use.  It means we do not have to learn a movement every time we come to do it.  However, if you change the variables for instance by putting a brace on, the brain will change it's blueprint accordingly.  When you take the brace off and go through daily movements, the brain will use the newly formed blueprints with restricted range of motion and less muscle activation.  This leaves you even more vulnerable to injuring yourself further.

What to do

You body has its own brace system - your core.  The great thing about the core is you don't have to put it on every day - it is always with you.  If you do not know how to activate it then seek out help from a corrective exercise specialist.  To find out more about your core read my article "Does having a strong core relieve low back pain?"  Equally important is your postural alignment.  If movement is not your specialist area then chances are you won't know if you have poor posture or to what extent your posture is affecting your back pain.  Optimal alignment, core activation and gradual progressive corrective exercise are the keys to getting your back pain under control.  There are no quick fixes.

If you are currently wearing a brace and would like to explore another option for improving your back pain then contact me at


5 things for back pain before you see your doctor

I see a number of people who have had no success with the long term relief of back pain by going to see their doctor.  There is a lot that can be done with injury and back pain before you seek medical treatment.  Even when you go to your doctor they recommend you exercise to relieve back pain.  What they don't specify is what exercise is best for you.   One thing is for sure, pain medication will only mask your symptoms and can make you think you are ok again until the medication wares off.  Medications also put your liver and digestive system under stress.  So what can you do to ease your back pain before going to see your doctor?

1.  Notice your pattern of pain

The more information you can gather about your patterns of pain the more likely you will notice what triggers your back pain and what exacerbates it.  Do you wake up with pain?  Does it occur later in the day?  How bad is it?  Does it decrease?  By how much?  You might find that by noticing the patterns of your pain you are able to make changes to help ease the discomfort.  

2.  Move 

Movement may seem like an unlikely remedy for a back ache but it is surprisingly effective.  The key to movement for relief of pain is doing it gently.  Walking can often provide a sense of relief (however if it makes it worse and sitting relieves it then take a rest periodically).  I recommend my clients do gentle back specific mobilizations upon waking daily to ease the back into the day.  You can download your copy of the Precision Movement Daily Mobilizations



3.  Activate your core

If you know how to do this then focus on it by activating consciously throughout the day.  For more information see my article "Does having a strong core relieve low back pain?".  If you do not know how to do this then seek out a specialist who can teach you how.  Ultimately, if your back is aching it is telling you something is not right.  From a mechanical perspective it means certain areas of your body are taking more stress and other parts are not doing their job.  You'll need help with restoring this balance so seek out a corrective exercise specialist to help you with this.

4.  Stop, look, listen

Notice what might be causing or contributing to your back pain.  It might be the heavy boxes you moved yesterday or the position you are sitting in at work.  It may even be the exercise you are doing that makes your back pain worse.  Think broadly, it might not be a mechanical cause, pain can come from digestive issues such as food intolerance or constipation and in my clinical experience pain always gets worse when you are stressed.  Look at everything.  As obvious as it seems stop doing what you think may be causing/exacerbating the pain and see if your back calms down.  

5.  Think and take control of your thoughts

I know this sounds a little ominous but stay with me for a moment.  Sometimes people who have structural damage do not experience any pain.  It is a conundrum that puzzles medical practitioners even today.  What this really means is pain does not come solely from structural or mechanical issues or everyone who has structural damage would be in pain.  What tends to happen with pain is that we let it take control and rule our lives.  I have a wonderful client who went on a silent meditation retreat last year.  While he was sitting through a 6 hour meditation session his knee began to hurt.  His meditation teacher advised that he think on the pain and try to deconstruct it.  After some time he managed to break it down into a feeling of pressure and heat.  He changed his relationship with pain and it took his pain away.  Your brain is as adaptable as your body and it will learn what pain does for you and establish a trigger that sets it off without your conscious permission.   When you let pain take over and control you no amount of exercise and treatment will help you get better in the long term.