Daylight savings morning mobilisations!

This is possibly one of my favourite days of the year.  It's the night when we get an EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP!  I actually don't think there is anything better in life than, effectively a free hour of sleep.  I know we have to pay for it in the spring when we get an hour docked in return but for now, in the winter months, I'm going to enjoy my extra hour.

As the days get shorter and colder I thought I might share a little freebie with you.  I suffer terribly with the cold and getting out of bed in the morning when my duvet is oh so warm and snuggly is really a big ask.  My body often feels quite creaky and inflexible.  So after I've taken a scolding hot shower, I often do some simple spinal mobilisations just to give my joints helping hand, easing them into the colder winter day.  It definitely helps to do a bit of morning mobilisation even if you are not injured or in pain, especially on cold days.

This is an ebook I usually reserve for back pain and injury clients.  However, in celebration of our extras hour of sleep I thought I'd share it all with you this week.  


If you have any questions about the mobilisations please feel free to drop me an email.  

And if you'd like to find out more about how I can help you recover from back pain, chronic pain or any kind of injury please do visit my website to find out more.