Shockwave Therapy

What is shockwave?

Radial shockwave is used in the treatment of tendinopathies. Tendinopathy is an over use injury often occurring with a rapid increase inactivity that the tendon does not have enough fitness, strength and capacity to handle. Recovery plan involves pacing or coming off activities that are aggravating and stengthening the hips and legs to increase fitness, capacity and strength for the activities you would like to return to.

Shockwave uses a repeated acoustic (sound) wave to the affected area. It is not electrical waves or ultrasound and it doesn’t use any radiation. Each treatment lasts about 5 minutes. It can be a bit uncomfortable - up to a 5/10, but some people don’t feel anything. I will work with you to find the right level of intensity for each session. It can be a bit uncomfortable for 24-48 hours afterwards. This is normal and expected.

Why do I need it?

Sometimes the body needs a bit of help stimulating the healing process to try to get the tendon working better with less pain. Short term over 3-6 treatments it can have an overall pain relieving effect. Longer term over 3-12 months it helps the tendon regenerate by stimulating collagen production.

When should I have it?

If you have tried a 3 month course of home/gym exercise programme treatment for tendinopathy and have not had much improvement in your symptoms then NICE guidelines indicate that shockwave treatment may be considered.

It is typical to being with 3 treatments 5-14 days apart. The length of time between treatments allows the tendon to adapt and start regenerating. After 3 treatments we will reassess your symptoms. If after your first course you are doing well then we’ll continue with your home/gym exercise programme. Some people may benefit from additional shockwave treatment.

Where can I take it?

I offer shockwave therapy at Third Space Sports Med Canary Wharf clinic. For more information on taking a course of shockwave with me at this location please email or call 0207 692 0880.



Pacemaker (implanted side)

Anti coagulant therapy and bleeding disorders

Active cancer or undergoing cancer treatment

Systemic or local inflammation or currently taking antibiotics

DVT or haematoma

Local metal or plastic implants


The day of and directly after your shockwave treatment please abstain from using ice and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti inflammatories).

Take relative rest for 2 days with no impact activities like jumping, running, HIIT, or multidirectional sports. Also abstain form heavy strength training and high intensity exercises for 48 hours after shockwave treatment.

Transient side effects include:



Pain/mild discomfort


Red sports/bumps

Click HERE for an infographic on shockwave aftercare.